!! Séminaire reporté à une date ultérieure !!
[6 mars 2024, 12h à 13h]

Pierrick Coupé, LaBRI, Bordeaux et Christer Lohk, IBGC et IINS interviendront dans le cadre des séminaires interdisciplinaires de l’Oncosphère, le 6 mars 2024 à 12h en salle de conférence de l’IBCG et visioconférence.

Christer Lohk 
PhD Student

Deep Learning-based Pipeline for the Quantification of Drug-induced Nuclear Phenotypes

Image-based phenotypic profiling is a widely utilized approach for characterizing drug effects in
cell culture. Perturbation-induced morphological changes in cell nuclei often provide important
information about drug activity, making complex image feature extraction invaluable for multiple
downstream applications. Here, we demonstrate an analysis pipeline utilizing both deep
learning and conventional texture analysis for characterizing drug-induced nuclear phenotypes
for MCF7 breast cancer cells.

Pierrick Coupé

BigData and AI for Lifespan Modeling of the Brain Anatomy

This conference will present our work dedicated to the quantitative analysis of cerebral MRIs, from the development of innovative methods to the production of new knowledge. First, I will present some of our brain analysis methods based on collective artificial intelligence. Then, I will describe our open access platform integrating our brain MRI segmentation tools. . Finally, I will present our recent BigData studies dedicated to lifespan modeling of normal and pathological aging.

Le séminaire aura lieu en salle de conférence de l’IBGC (Bordeaux, Campus Carreire)
et sera diffusé en direct via Zoom :
