ONCOSPHERE Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Steering committee members

ONCOSPHERE Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Dr Éric

ONCOSPHERE Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Pr Fabrice

The Oncosphere Limoges is part of the restructuring project of the GEIST Institute (Genomics, Environment, Immunity, Health, Therapeutics) since it represents one of the four structural axes of the new Ω-Santé institute project. The main objective of this integration is to bring together and improve the visibility and interactions between the main players in the fields of biology, health, chemistry, environment and STAPS at the University of Limoges.

The Oncosphere Limoges brings together the main teams involved in Oncology at the Limoges site (Feuillard / Pinaud teams, UMR CNRS 7276 / INSERM 1262 and Jauberteau / Lalloué team, EA 3842-CAPTuR) as well as other players developing oncology themes on the Limoges site, Biology and Chemistry of Natural Substances axes of the EA 7500 Peirene team led by V. Sol, and the Geriatric Medicine team of the Limoges University Hospital led by Achille Tchalla. This network already promotes the development of joint projects between these actors as well as collaborations with other sites in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. These cross interactions made it possible in particular to submit projects concerning the screening of anti-cancer molecules (MOLNAT).

These different teams are also joined by 2 XLIM and IRCER institutes in which several researchers are involved in technological development intended for the design of new devices for diagnosis, prognosis and prediction of the therapeutic response. These transdisciplinary interactions are major factors in the operation of the future Oncosphere Nouvelle-Aquitaine network at Limoges site. They will be encouraged by the need to demonstrate the concept of new technologies by relying on strong interactions with the various departments of the Limoges University Hospital involved in Oncology. The Oncosphere Nouvelle-Aquitaine network at Limoges site, through the links it creates between the different players in oncology, thus has a structuring role conducive to the development of numerous translational research projects, and the establishment of PHRC. The visibility of this axis combining different research approaches will accelerate the dynamic of research development (patents), the transfer of technologies and the know-how of the teams of the University of Limoges, which will promote the creation of start-ups. Up or Spin Off and / or the development of industrial partnerships.

The regrouping of these different actors as well as the federation of their skills within the Oncosphere Nouvelle-Aquitaine site Limoges project allows them to position themselves on 4 major strategic axes:

  • preclinical models,
  • biomarkers,
  • technological development,
  • care adapted to the elderly.

For this, it is based on the themes specific to each of the teams at the Oncosphere Limoges:

Teams with a main cancer theme:

Over the past 10 years, the structuring of cancer research in Limoges has made it possible to federate forces (80 people, including 36 teachers-researchers and 7 researchers) within two teams ensuring them national and international visibility and critical mass:

EA3842-CAPTuR focuses its research activities on the study of tumor cell survival and therapeutic resistance of solid cancers including colorectal cancer, bronchial cancer and brain tumors in particular, glioblastoma. The visibility of this axis is based in particular on an original “niche” theme concerning the function of new growth factors in oncology, neurotrophins and their receptors in the aggressiveness of tumor cells. More specific work is also being carried out concerning the function of these receptors in the control of the tumor microenvironment via the transfer of these receptors by microvesicles, the exosomes. The study of these new receptors makes it possible to better understand the mechanisms of therapeutic escape, to identify new diagnostic and / or prognostic biomarkers making it possible to assess tumor aggressiveness. The team is also developing numerous transdisciplinary projects focusing on the development of innovative technologies in the field of oncology thanks to close collaborations with physicists from the XLIM Institute (UMR CNRS 7252) and materials chemists from the IRCER institute (UMR CNRS 7315). This transdisciplinary approach coupled with a translational approach makes it possible to go from the identification of the biomarker, to the clinical validation of the diagnostic and / or prognostic value of the devices intended for its detection. This research dynamic often leads to a technology transfer accompanied by the AVRUL (Promotion Agency of the University of Limoges) thus promoting the creation and / or support of start-ups (Oncomedics, Carcidiag, Dyameo) which s ‘set up in the territory of Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

UMR CNRS7276 / INSERM1262 CRIBL is developing a research axis focused on oncohematology. This axis studies more specifically the oncogenic mechanisms and the physiopathological consequences associated with B lymphomagenesis. It is based on the activity of the team which studies the molecular mechanisms of lymphomagenesis during the process of transformation of the B lymphocyte into cancer. Different mechanisms have been identified, whether they are abnormalities in the rearrangement of immunoglobulin genes, the consequences of which are the deregulation of oncogenes, the EBV virus (Epstein Barr Virus), activations of oncogenes and / or inactivations. transcription-regulating anti-oncogenes. Molecular studies from patients thus identify new oncogenic mechanisms associated with B lymphocytes. Their validation is obtained in vivo by carrying out preclinical cellular and / or murine models. The team’s expertise and know-how in, in particular, the field of flow cytometry, the molecular characterization of immunoglobulin genes as well as the development of murine cellular and transgenic models, have contributed to the development of research of excellence in the field of lymphomagenesis.

Teams with a cancer sub-theme:

At the same time, several teams from the University of Limoges have also structured themselves and developed sub-themes concerning cancer:

The EA 7500 PEIRENE team from the University of Limoges, which has national and international expertise in the development of natural substances (photosensitizers, polyphenols, etc.) with anti-cancer properties. It is the only team in the NA region to work in this original field – of photosensitizers in anticancer PDT and its activity is complementary to that of teams from the universities of La Rochelle and Bordeaux on the MOLNAT project (new MOLécules of NATural origin in oncology). This team is also developing research activities around glycosylation applied to cancer. This consortium of chemists and biologists will develop a platform for the evaluation of new drug candidates which will be designed to be operational on a regional and then national scale and will be likely to offer a complete range of analyzes on different therapeutic molecules resulting from laboratory research. but also manufacturers.

The Geriatric Medicine service has developed national know-how and expertise in the management and treatment of clinical and biological information for elderly patients to promote their autonomy. In the context of oncogeriatrics, their expertise may benefit personalized therapeutic adaptation, specifically for the elderly. These methods of analyzing the metadata of elderly patients currently make it possible to search for new biological markers of frailty in elderly patients with cancer.

Interaction with NA research teams specializing in oncogeriatrics (Bordeaux, Poitiers) will allow the validation of biomarkers of frailty that can guide therapeutic adaptation.

The teams involved in technological development on cancer: XLIM and IRCER

Close collaborations between the XLIM Institute (Institute specializing in physics) and the IRCER laboratory specializing in materials chemistry and the strong cancer team EA3842 CAPTuR have been developing for more than 10 years. These collaborations have generated a research dynamic promoting the emergence of technologies for health. The integration of this work could be done within the framework of the project hotel dedicated to technological development set up within the Oncosphere Limoges site. This project hotel consists of a reception structure allowing to combine the skills necessary for the realization and the implementation of a project in the field of oncology. The objective of the hotel will be to initiate R&D projects and also to support the maturation of development projects.

This combination of our different research approaches has enabled the development (patents) and transfer of technologies and know-how to lead to the creation of companies, and / or the development of industrial partnerships.

ONCOSPHERE Nouvelle-Aquitaine
ONCOSPHERE Nouvelle-Aquitaine