« Technological and therapeutic innovations »

Jean-Luc Feugeas (coordinator) with Rémy Guillevin, Thierry Maugard and Vincent Sol.

The “Technological and therapeutic innovations” axis aims to bring together all the research in the field of science and technology at the scale of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region. In particular, it brings together researchers in chemistry, mathematics, computer science, physics, etc. from the Region whose research work is dedicated to the fight against cancer.

On December 11, 2019 at the Angoulême Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), a “workshop” brought together all the participants interested in this theme. During this day of discussion, 16 speakers (4 from Bordeaux, 4 from Limoges, 4 from La Rochelle and 4 from Poitiers) presented their areas of expertise, their know-how and were able to discuss their complementarity with the other participants. A collective discussion followed in order to bring out our main lines.

The following four sub-themes emerged:

1– Numerical and Modeling

2– Therapy and diagnostics by electromagnetic waves (Imaging, Oncophotonics,….)

3– Artificial Intelligence

4– Targeting and vectorization

These sub-themes will be the working basis of this axis, they will serve to fuel our collective reflection, to identify the complementarities and to implement collaborative projects.